Are Fabric Softeners Necessary?

are fabric softeners necessary

Have you ever thought, why do we use so much fabric softener during every wash cycle?

Fabric softeners got popular during the 1900s on the grounds. Since dyes, cleansers, and dryers were harsh on garments, they make the clothes rough and fade their colors.

No, fabric softeners are not important for laundry. They only make the clothes touch soft and smell fresh. Fabric softener has nothing to do with cleansing. Therefore, it can be completely skipped.

Like all other products in this universe, fabric softeners also have some pros and cons. If you want to get benefited from the pros, you have to digest the cons. 

Usually, what people do is that they keep using these fabric softeners to make the clothes smell fresh and soft. People ignore its harmful effects.

To look over pros and ignoring cons cannot be justified. Similarly, the opposite condition should also be considered. Taking a look over every aspect of something is the route of intellectuals.

Are Fabric Softeners Important?

The answer to this frequently asked question is obvious and is “No.” Fabric softeners are not really important. Rather they are harmful. Fabric softeners are made up of different chemicals that can harm your clothes, health, and even the environment.

Despite all the other benefits that a fabric softener gives to your clothes, it possesses hazardous effects, and therefore, it should be avoided. If any product contains chemicals, it is obvious that it will give you both harm and benefits.

Why Fabric Softeners are Harmful?

why fabric softeners are harmful

No doubt it has many advantages as they turn unpleasant garments into pleasant smelling and appealing clothes. But don’t forget to consider that they are not good for clothes, the environment, and your health.

Say no to use fabric softeners: You may have seen on certain labels, particularly on performance attire, they explicitly say, “Don’t use fabric softeners.”

Leave pigments behind: Liquid conditioners can sometimes leave pale blue or dark stains and spots on clothes, and after some time, the waxy development can cause yellowing on whites.

Bad for washing machines and dresses: They can leave residues in your machines in the long run. These residues can damage the washer. Furthermore, it implies that you can get fabric softener remnants on garments in any wash when you are not even utilizing it.

Warning: Studies have found out that the clothes become flammable after using fabric softeners. And this is what no one wants.

Avoid in the case of towels: Even though fabrics might become cozy and extra soft after the first use, continuous use makes your clothes less absorbent. This is particularly an issue with towels which clearly need to soak up a great deal of dampness.

Avoid using it on certain fibers: In garments that absorb moisture, the most important task is soaked dampness. So don’t use fabric softeners on these fabrics.

These clothes are mostly soft such as undergarments, sportswear, pajamas, legging and, bedsheets. Obviously, no one wants to make these cozy fabrics rough. And hence these clothes should not be washed with fabric softeners.

Ignore fabric softeners on baby dresses: It is best not to use fabric softeners on baby fabrics. Most of the baby garments are manufactured with fire-safe materials, and fabric softeners could minimize their efficacy.  

Babies have very delicate and soft skin. These harsh chemicals of fabric softeners can annoy or scratch the little one’s skin. To keep the babies’ clothes soft and comfortable, use the fabric softener in a safe amount.

Chemicals Used in Fabric Softeners

The chemicals that are present in fabric softeners cannot be ignored and avoided. Most of the chemicals are added to fabric softeners are for their preservation. In addition, synthetic fragrances are also added to fabric softeners to make the clothes smell better.

All these chemicals are hazardous for garments, the environment, and human health. They are often carcinogenic, which can cause cancer. Some can even cause asthma and other respiratory disorders.

Some of the most dangerous chemicals are given below:


Among all other chemicals, methylisothiazolinone is the most dangerous one. It is used in the preservation of the product by reducing the growth of bacteria. Therefore, there are various health risks associated with this chemical.

Medical problems usually connected to MIT include skin responses (contact allergen), severe rashes, itchy skin, damage to organs, difficulty in breathing, neurotoxicity (directly affects the nervous system).

Asthma and other respiratory disorders can also be expected after using fabric softeners that contain MIT.

Read More: Can Bacteria Survive After a Clothes Wash?

Benzyl acetate

It is connected to pancreatic cancer, and its fumes can be disturbing to eyes and respiratory entries, causing cough. In addition, it can be consumed through the skin.

Benzyl Alcohol

This upper respiratory tract aggravation can cause tipsiness, migraine, central nervous system (CNS) disorders, nausea, vomiting, and sensational drops in circulatory strain.


It is referred to as a carcinogenic compound (which causes cancer). It is also known as a skin and eye irritant.

Where Do I Put Fabric Softeners in the Machine?

put fabric softeners in the machine

The methods are quite different in different kinds of washers.

In Top Loader Machine with Dispenser

It is a straightforward method to add fabric softener in the washer, which has a dispenser. Dispensers are commonly located at the top of the central column of washing machines.

You have to measure the accurate amount of fabric softeners by using its cap. Then, measure it according to the load of laundry that you are washing. And then, add the fabric softener into the dispenser. It will automatically get distributed during the spin cycle.

In Top Loader Machine without Dispenser

People add fabric softeners directly into the top-loader machine without a dispenser. But, do you know that what is the exact time to add fabric softeners to the washer? It isn’t easy to understand because it will be washed away before giving its effectiveness when you add it just initially.

And if you add it to the garments directly, the clothes will get stains on them. So we propose pouring it into the water rather than straightforwardly on the clothes to abstain from staining.

In the Front Loader Machine

There is a separate compartment for fabric softeners present in the front-load washing machine.

This compartment is usually the smallest of the drawer and labeled by a flower or a star.

Why are Fabric Softeners Important?

make your clothes smell fresh

There are numerous reasons why we go after the fabric. Indeed fabric softeners have some pros. And that is why a huge number of people around the world are using it regularly.

To Make Fabrics Soften

Fabric softeners soften the rough garments. It is a successful method to keep the fabrics delicate and unwrinkled. It also diminishes fibers friction, making less static cling, and helps protect your garments from mileage, making them last longer.

To Make your Clothes Smell Fresh

The list of importance of fabric softeners does not end here. One of the biggest reasons for using fabric softeners is to make the clothes smell fresh. The fragrance has a direct bond with human happiness, and that is why people never miss any opportunity to get the scent from anywhere.

The chemicals which are used to add fragrance are linalool, acetaldehyde and, 1,4-dioxane. It is important to notice that these chemicals also have some harmful effects. Linalool causes allergy, which is highly bad for the skin. Acetaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane are the two carcinogenic compounds.

What to Use Instead?

laundry dryer ball

A better and natural alternative to fabric softener is a dryer ball. These balls are best in every aspect. The major purpose of the wool laundry ball is to provide a fresh smell to the clothes. They also soften the fabric.

The best thing about dryer balls is that it lasts about 1000 loads. So they not only save money but also your skin from damage.

In Conclusion 

No doubt fabric softeners have a lot of advantages as they make unpleasant-looking garments better. But don’t forget that they are not good for clothes, the environment, and your health.

Fabric softeners have become very popular in the 21st century, originally started in the middle of the 20th century. They have become an essential part of laundry. And in fact, people don’t even think to wash their clothes without fabric softeners.

But this is not exactly what it is. It is wonderful to wash the fabrics without using fabric softeners because of their harmful effects on garments. Fabric softeners have cons because of the presence of various hazardous chemicals.

These chemicals have been proved harmful to human health, the atmosphere, and fabrics. Fabrics, after washing with fabric softeners, become scratchy, non-absorbent, and full of stains sometimes.

Moreover, humans are exposed to various diseases like asthma, cancer, the central nervous system (CNS), and many other respiratory disorders.

It has some pros as well which need to be mentioned. The best thing to make the fabrics soft is by the use of fabric softener. It not only softens the clothes but also gives the garments a delightful fragrance.

Vanessa Clean

I used to be a maid, now a full-time mom. I have A LOT of experience with cleaning and detergents. Just trying to help those searching for real-life tips.

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