Does Detergent Kill Fleas and Other Nasty Bugs?

does detergent kill fleas

Are you also sick of the fleas that kept on getting stuck in your clothes? This is a common problem with so many people throughout the world. People who own pets are more likely to encounter these nasty bugs.

You can get rid of these nasty bugs simply by washing clothes in laundry detergent. Washing the clothes in hot water along with a quality detergent actually kills off all the fleas from your clothes. 

In order to get rid of such bugs, you need to look for the host through which they are spreading in your home. Once found, you can use simple things like laundry detergent to get rid of them.

Infuriated about these bugs invading your life? This article will be helpful for you if you are finding a way to get rid of fleas. Stick to the end to find some effective ways.

How Do Fleas Spread to Clothes?

fleas spread to clothes

If you are a dog or cat owner, it is most likely that these pets are the reason for spreading fleas in your home. Fleas can get to the skin of your pets from outside. Dogs and cats act as a host for these nasty creatures.

Once these insects make their way to pets, they can easily spread around your home. This happens mainly due to the reproductive cycle of these fleas. When fleas lay eggs, they do not get stuck in the hair of pets. Rather, the eggs fall off the surface as they are smooth.

This is the reason you can spot flea eggs everywhere in your house. They can be on your clothes, closet, carpet, floor, dressing, and anywhere you can imagine.

You will find adult fleas always close to the host. They are in need of food, that is, blood, which is why fleas can be found in the bedding of your pets or on their skin.

After the eggs hatch, they invade your clothes. When you wear them, you become their host; thus, fleas start feeding on your blood.

How to Get Rid of Fleas?

You need to treat everything with chemicals where there is the slightest chance of flea eggs’ existence.

Laundry Detergent

Laundry Detergent

So far, laundry detergent has proven best in killing insects that can be found on your clothes. If you don’t want to use detergent, simply wash your clothes in hot water at a temperature around 35°C. Heat is capable of killing all kinds of small bugs and their larvae.

If you want something more effective and get the clothes all clean from bugs, add a small amount of laundry detergent to the washing machine. The presence of boric acid in detergent is what makes it effective against bugs.

Boric acid doesn’t act as a poison; rather, it dries out the bugs and ultimately kills them. Within a few minutes, all of them will be killed.

For the remaining exoskeletons, you can shake off your clothes to get rid of them completely.

It is a good idea to wash all the curtains, bed sheets, tablecloths and garments in detergent. In the case of sensitive clothes, do not add detergent. Just keep them in hot water.

Proper washing of clothes can kill all the adult fleas and larvae, leaving behind their dead bodies.

Wash Everything with Detergent

Doing laundry alone will not help you get rid of these bugs. You need to disinfect and wash everything in your home. Eggs of fleas can be found anywhere in the house.

You can use powder detergent, as it is cheaper, to clean the sink, kitchen, floors, washbasin, and bathroom in your house. Instead of sprinkling powder detergent everywhere in the house, the best decision is to wash things with detergent.

To clean the bathroom with laundry detergent, sprinkle a cup full of detergent in the bathroom. Let it stay there for 15 to 20 minutes.

After that, wash off the bathroom with a brush and run water. Not only will this be helpful in getting rid of bugs, but it will also remove stains and help you get rid of bad odors.

You will be astonished by the clean results.

Related Reading:
Can Bacteria Survive After a Clothes Wash?
Laundry Detergent: Before or After Clothes?

Can Washing Machine Drown the Bugs?

can Washing Machine Drown the Bugs

Washing machine alone cannot do the job we are looking for, which is why it is necessary to add hot water and laundry detergent. Even if you only add water to the washer, there are chances that fleas and other bugs would still survive. This is why it is necessary to add detergent to it. The presence of boric acid in the detergent helps us achieve our goals.

Borates are found in powdered detergents to enhance enzyme stabilization, ultimately removing stains. Boric acid also acts as a disinfectant, bug killer, deodorizer, and cleanser.

Due to its bug-killing property, boric acid is added in dishwashing soaps, glass cleaners, and whatnot.

Other Ways to Kill Fleas Instantly

other ways to kill fleas

Though laundry detergent is the most effective and readily available option to kill fleas on clothes. There are other methods that you can try to exterminate the flea cycle.

Bleach Water

Bleach water is an effective solution to go against fleas. It can be used at a variety of places like furniture, sink, bathrooms, couches, floors, and beds. Make sure to buy color-safe bleach to protect everything from its harsh effects.

To clean the furniture with bleach water, you can simply make a solution of bleach and add it to a spray bottle. Spray a sufficient amount of bleach on the desired place and wipe it with a paper towel.

Other than furniture, you can also clean bed and couches with bleach water. Also, instead of adding conventional laundry detergent, you can add bleach to the clothes while washing them. This will bring equally good results, thus exterminating the cycle of fleas.

Flea Repelling Plants

There are many plants that effectively repel fleas and keep your homes free from them. These plants do not kill them. The strong smell of these plants makes them effective repellants.

You can place such plants on your lawn, balconies, and even indoors. Lavender, citrus, clove, and peppermint are some of the best flea repelling plants.

You will be happy to keep them at home as you do not have to put so much energy every day just in ensuring precautions against these nasty bugs.

Herbal Flea Spray

If you are looking for a more natural solution to these fleas instead of going with chemically manufactured detergents, you can make your own herbal flea spray at home out of very few ingredients.

You will need a strong natural plant fragrance that can be your favorite plant. Lavender is the most recommended one in this case. Essential oil or any other natural oil of your choice is also needed. Along with that, you will need apple cider vinegar.

Take one cup of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of essential oil, and peppermint or lavender fragrance. Add all these ingredients to a spray bottle and fill it to the end with water. Mix the ingredients really well.

You can spray this flea repellant everywhere in the house. This will be really helpful in eradicating the bugs from your home. Since it is made with all-natural ingredients, you don’t need to be afraid of any side effects.

Boric Acid

It is the main ingredient used in laundry detergents, known for killing molds and bugs. Boric acid works by drying out the stomach of these fleas, which ultimately leads them to death.

Boric acid is the most effective chemical against these bugs as they cannot develop immunity against it. Moreover, it is not a repellant, so these bugs do not avoid places where there is boric acid.

Boric acid is present in laundry detergent. One way is to use detergent to keep off fleas from clothes. However, for floors, furniture, and other such places at home, you have to use boric acid in liquid or powdered form.

Mix boric acid with flour in equal amounts and sprinkle it all around the house, especially in corners that are the home for fleas. However, in order to clean furniture, beds, and couches, you can make a solution.

Mix boric acid with water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray it everywhere in your house.

In Conclusion

Fleas can invade your whole house in no time once they reach your pets. Before they get out of control, it is necessary to deal with them.

Washing clothes alone will not be helpful in eradicating these nasty creatures. You need to sanitize everything and take care of every corner of the house to completely eliminate them.

Regularly wash your clothes in hot water with laundry detergent. Make sure that the detergent you are using contains boric acid. Otherwise, it might not be much beneficial.

Even after eradicating the bugs from your house, you should be vigilant. Your pets can bring fleas with them again in your house. The best precaution is to shower your pets regularly and keep a check on them.

Vanessa Clean

I used to be a maid, now a full-time mom. I have A LOT of experience with cleaning and detergents. Just trying to help those searching for real-life tips.

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