Sometimes laundry detergent alone cannot fight against the dirt on white clothes. In this case, we need a stronger formula that can remove the dirt from the clothes and, at the same time, keep them bright.
Detergents are made to clean things by removing dirt. In short, detergents are soaps, and laundry detergent is specifically used for cleaning clothes. On the other hand, bleach is a substance that is used to remove stains from clothes.
Both these chemicals are important in the laundry. For white clothes, you cannot use detergent alone and expect whiter clothes. It is necessary to add a dose of bleach to get the best results. You can even combine these two items to clean a lot of things. Want to know how? Read to the end.
Using Laundry Detergent on Clothes

Detergent is the biological formulation of soap that includes enzyme to remove the stains effectively from the clothes. The presence of enzymes ensures cleanliness. Enzyme is an important ingredient in cleaning products.
However, enzymes are not meant to be used on wool or silk fabric. This is why it is recommended to avoid using detergent on wool and silk clothes.
Read More: Laundry Detergent: Before or After Clothes?
Working of Laundry Detergent
The effectiveness of a laundry detergent depends upon the type of enzymes used to formulate it. Different enzymes act on different targets. Due to the presence of enzymes, laundry detergents are termed as “Biological soap”.
The working of these enzymes is similar to how they work in our body. Just how some enzyme work by breaking down the targeted molecule, enzymes present in detergent break down the soil or dirt stains on the clothes. These dirt particles are then suspended in the water from where they are washed away.
Since most of the stains on the clothes are of food particles, the enzymes added to detergents also target those food molecules. For instance, the protease enzyme breaks down protein molecules, and amylase breaks down starches. Similarly, lipases for oil and celluloses for removing soil particles are added to laundry detergents.
Laundry Detergent is a Cleaner
The presence of several enzymes in laundry detergent makes it a great cleanser. This cleansing property is not limited to clothes. You can wash away dirt from floors, carpets, and furniture by using laundry detergent.
This cleansing property of detergent makes it a good stain pretreat. You don’t have to spend lots of money on buying a stain pretreat. The same detergent you use for washing clothes can be used for treating stains.
For pretreating the stain, you have to pour the detergent solution directly on the stain. Rub the stain with a brush and then leave it for a while. After that, wash the cloth as usual. The enzymes present in laundry detergent are really effective against blood and grass stains.
Directions to Use
It is important to add the correct amount of laundry detergent to get clean clothes. In case you add too little detergent, it will result in poor cleaning results. Also, the soil deposits might build up in your machine. Similarly, adding a lot of detergent can be uneconomical. Overdosing also leads to the production of suds, which is bad for your washing machine.
The dosage varies depending upon the type of washing machine you have. Generally, a tablespoon of washing powder is enough for a regular load of clothes. You can increase the amount as the load size increases.
Do not use the measuring cup that comes with most laundry detergents. They are usually very large and contains more detergent than needed for washing.
Also, it is important to add the detergent in the detergent dispenser of the washing machine if there is any. You should avoid adding detergent directly on the top of clothes. This can cause staining on clothes. If there is no detergent dispenser, you can add the detergent right after adding the water just before putting the clothes in the washer.
Read More: Are Liquid Detergents Better than Powder?
Using Bleach in Laundry

Bleach helps in removing the soil from the clothes. As a result, the dirt is easily carried away by the detergent. Commonly Sodium hypochlorite is used as a bleach in homes. It not only removes stains but also brightens the clothes and keep them white for long.
Bleach works on almost all types of clothes except for wool and silk. Usually, bleach is used on white clothes. However, there are some color safe bleaches also available in the market, which can be used on fabrics of all colors.
Bleach is Not a Cleaner
Bleach is a disinfectant that sterilizes and brightens clothes. It is not a cleaner. In fact, in the presence of dirt, the effectiveness of bleach goes down. This is the reason bleach is usually added after the wash cycle when all the dirt is removed.
We use bleach to sanitize the clothes and kill bacteria and other microorganisms. It works best on almost all type of things. However, bleach for different substances is made different.
Read More: Can Bacteria Survive After a Clothes Wash?
Bleach is used as a Brightener.
If you are sick of seeing dingy clothes coming out from the washer, don’t worry; you are not alone in this. It is a common problem that almost everyone faces. White clothes tend to lose their brightness more quickly than other clothes. Therefore, they need bleach to get back the brightness.
If you wash a piece of fabric with bleach and the other one without it, you will clearly see the difference. The cloth that is being washed without bleach starts to look dingy over time. Bleach is the only solution to such clothes.
However, you need to be very careful about the cloth on which you are using bleach. Here are the tips you need to follow to avoid any disaster.
Bleach is not just for laundry.
Bleach is not just for whitening bright clothes. There are dozens of other uses of bleach, you might be unaware of. You can wash almost all the surfaces of the house with bleach to get rid of stubborn stains and foul odor.
Sterilize toys, litter boxes, trash cans, and everything else with bleach to get the best and long-lasting results. You can also keep your store-brought flowers fresh for a long time by keeping them in the water containing bleach.
Use the Right Amount

Some people tell about their bad experience with bleach that usually happens due to the incorrect amount of bleach. Adding too little or too much bleach to the clothes can lead to disaster. However, you will get rid of those dingy clothes when you add the correct amount.
Adjust the amount of bleach according to the dirt and soil on your clothes. You also need to consider the size of the load. Usually, half a cup of bleach works well on a load of medium size. You can add more amount to the washer for large and extra-large load.
Directions to Use

Unlike laundry detergent, bleach is added in a very small amount. Adding a lot of bleach can ruin your clothes.
The bleach you use comes with a label on which directions are written. But for Sodium hypochlorite, the directions are the same. You need to dilute the bleach before adding it to the washing machine.
However, if you want to achieve the best results, it is recommended to wait for 5 to 10 minutes after the wash cycle has begun. This is done to retain the effectiveness of laundry detergent by keeping alive all the enzymes and fluorescent whiteners.
In order to use oxygen bleach rightly, it is recommended to add it to the washing machine before adding the clothes. Pouring the bleach on wet clothes might cause them great damage. Also, it is good to use oxygen bleach in warm water to see the best results.
Laundry Detergent & Bleach: What’s the difference?

Bleach is used for whitening and brightening the clothes, while laundry detergent is a soap necessary to remove stains from the clothes.
You cannot use these two laundry items reciprocally. A detergent is an important part of laundry, without which you cannot wash clothes. On the other hand, bleach is not necessary. It can be skipped if need be. Only if your clothes are too dull and dingy you will need the bleach.
Bleach is a strong agent that cannot be used on every cloth. Chlorine bleaches are not color safe, which is why you can use them on white clothes only. These can be toxic and deteriorating.
A better and safer option is oxygen bleach, which can be used on colored clothes as well. It is also effective in removing stains and odor.
There is no such issue with laundry detergents. Detergent can be used on any fabric and any color. However, you need to be careful with silk and wool clothes as they cannot withstand the enzymatic formulation of detergents.
In Conclusion
Both bleach and detergent are the important ingredients of laundry. However, they function differently. You cannot use these products reciprocally and expect good results. Use detergent as a soap for washing clothes and use bleach for whitening purposes.