Powder Laundry Detergent Do’s and Don’ts

laundry detergent dos donts

Washing laundry is indeed the most hectic task of them all. At least sometimes in our lives, we all have wished that our clothes always stay clean. That would keep our lives at peace.

But unfortunately, we are in reality, and clothes do get dirty. We need to wash them to make them look clean and fresh. The chore of washing clothes is indeed tiring, but you can make it easy to quite an extent by following some simple tips.

The disastrous results of laundry can sometimes be due to your negligence. As a result, the seemingly small task becomes bigger and frustrates you to another level. To prevent that, I have gathered some fantastic tips to help you do laundry quickly and like a professional.

Read this article to the end to get an insight on powder laundry detergent dos and don’ts.

Powder Laundry Detergent

Powder detergents are a great option as they are generally cheaper than other detergent forms. The lower cost of powder detergent is due to its less weight and cardboard packaging. Due to the cardboard packaging, they are eco-friendly.

Powder laundry detergents are great at removing grass and other dry stains. However, powder detergent contains bleach, so it whitens the clothes. This means they can fade the colored garments quickly. Apart from that, powder detergents are a fantastic choice.

While it has many pros, powder detergent leaves residues if not adequately dissolved in water. These residues can stain clothes. Over time, detergent residues also get stuck in different parts of the washing, damaging it. These residues can also clog pipes.

Tips for Powder Laundry Detergent

powder laundry detergent

People usually do not bother with small tips for using and storing laundry detergent. At the same time, it is the most crucial thing everyone should pay attention to. In keeping detergent, people often neglect the hazards and dangers associated with storing and misusing it. Here are some tips you should consider before starting laundry.

Do: Read the Labels of Clothes

read the labels of clothes

Powder detergents will likely damage some clothes and fade the colors of other clothing items. Some dresses are not meant to be washed in detergent. This is why you must read clothes’ labels before putting them in the washing machine.

Do: Sort the Clothes

After reading the label, sort the clothes based on color and weight. Make sure to keep the whites separate from the rest of the clothes. Bright-colored garments should also be separated from the darker ones. However, you should also check the dresses for color bleeding.

Separate the whites from the rest of the laundry and wash them in the washing machine. Light-colored clothes should include greys, pastels, and other lighter-printed dresses. Darker ones should be black, jeans, red, and bright colors. Similarly, try to wash the delicates by keeping them in a mesh bag.

Do: Store the Detergent in a Cool and Dry Place

The detergent is always meant to be placed in a dry place. Powder detergents tend to get hard quickly, so they are kept in a cool place. Considering this, never keep the detergent in your bathroom, even if the whole laundry setup is there. Since the bathroom is humid, it is a big no for powder detergents.

A basement is ideal for laundry, which is cool and away from all the toxins. You should set up your laundry over there if you have a basement. Even if you have a small rental apartment, a dry cabinet would be the right place for powder detergent. Just keep the detergent in an airtight container to prevent the air from passing through it.

Do: Read the Packaging for Special Instructions

The detergent pack always contains special instructions on the backside. Most of the brands have a clear pictorial representation of how much detergent you should add. Other things, like the hardness of water, are also mentioned. You can also get an idea of the water temperature from the instructions.

To get an idea about the nature of detergent and warnings, do never forget to read the instructions on the packaging.

Do: Stock up Quality Powder Detergent

Once you get the suitable detergent according to your needs, please keep it in your laundry room. Detergents of different brands are created differently. You will also find different types of detergent made for specific purposes.

A good detergent would be eco-friendly and, at the same time, keep the clothes clean and fresh. Pre-staining would be an issue since you are using powder detergent, but you can quite easily make a paste to treat the stains.

Do: Use a Powder Scoop to Measure the Detergent

Incorrect measurement of detergent can cause a lot of distress. In the case of powder detergent, the washing machine receives the most share of damage due to it. The high amount of powder detergent permanently damages the clothes and the washing machines.

More suds will form when we add more detergent to the washing machine. When these suds flow out of the washing machine, they can damage its electronic system. High-efficiency washing machines are likely to suffer the most in this case. This is why it is recommended to use a measuring tool or device to measure the right amount of detergent. You can purchase a powder scoop of any brand for this purpose.

Do: Add the Detergent in the Right Compartment

In front-load and high-efficiency washing machines, separate compartments for different laundry products are always there. There must be a drawer on the washing machine’s top bar. When you open it, you will find separate compartments. This is where you need to put the laundry detergent.

These compartments are labeled with fabric softener, detergent, and liquid bleach. Even the detergent compartment is divided into two, for the liquid and powder detergent. Carefully add the powder detergent to the respective chamber after measuring it.

The washing machines are designed so that the detergent reaches the drum of the washing machine at the right time. Instead of throwing the detergent in the drum, add it in the right compartment to achieve the best results.

Read More: Where Do I Put Laundry Detergent? (Front-Loader/Top-Loader)

Do: Keep the Detergent Away from the Reach of Children

Many other warnings it is written on the pack of detergent to keep it away from the reach of children. As horrifying as it sounds, powder detergent can choke your children and bring devastating results if ingested. Detergents contain toxic chemicals. When a child ingests these, it can cause serious stomach problems. In high amounts, it can be fatal.

People often neglect such warnings, and the results often make people’s hair curl. Therefore, while choosing a place for your laundry detergent, store it in a location low enough for you to reach it quickly and at the same time high enough to prevent the children from getting it.

Do: Add the Powder Detergent Before the Clothes

A top-load washing machine has no separate compartments for the laundry detergents. In this case, we must put the detergent directly into the drum. However, you should always add the detergent after the water, just before adding the clothes.

This way, the detergent will submerge fully in the water and not leave stains or spots on the clothes. This tip goes the same way for the liquid laundry detergent as well.

Read More: What are the Benefits of Unscented Detergent Powder?

Do: Use the Correct Water Temperature

Not every clothing item can be washed in hot or cold water. For a better understanding, reading the instructions on the label is recommended. However, always wash linens, towels, and white clothes in hot water. For dirty clothes, especially greasy stains, go for the hot water.

On the other hand, cold water is suitable for dark clothes. Clothes likely to color bleed or at risk of fading should also be put in cold water.

Don’t: Put Powder Detergent on the Top of Clothes

Adding detergent on the top of clothes forms stains and spots and prevents the detergent from being entirely submerged in the water. When you add the detergent on the top of clothes, it stays there for a longer time and, as a result, starts forming stains and spots on the clothes.

Other than that, the detergent does not dissolve well in the water; hence, it does not clean the clothes well. This is why avoid doing this and put the detergent after adding the water just before putting the clothes.

Don’t Overload the Washing Machine

No matter how much detergent you use, all your hard work will be wasted if you overload the washing machine. Clothes need to breathe in the washing machine. They need space to circulate in the drum so that they can get enough supply of water and detergent.

When the machine is overloaded, clothes do not have sufficient space to circulate; thus, they come out all messy and uncleaned. The best practice is to add a medium load of laundry and then feed the detergent accordingly to obtain the best results.

Don’t: Wash Colored and White Clothes Together

Always sort the clothes based on colors and their delicacy. Delicates and undergarments should be washed separately from the rest of the clothes. In contrast, the lighter ones can be washed together.

Other than that, you should also sort clothes based on their weight. Garments like coats and blazers should be washed separately from lighter clothes. Otherwise, the chances of more lightweight clothes being damaged are higher.

Don’t: Keep the Clothes Longer in the Washing Machine

Do not keep the clothes in there for a long time when the cycle ends. Even if you have separated the lighter clothes from the darker ones, they can still transfer color to one another if kept together for a long time.

Don’t Leave the Zippers Open

Make sure to close the zippers of all your jeans and other clothing that have one. Zippers can be stuck in the delicates and are likely to damage them. Also, do not forget to check the pockets of all your clothes. Bags usually contain tissues and similar items. When you wash them unintentionally, they spread on all the clothes in the washing machine. Therefore, always remember to check the pockets and zippers.

Don’t Use Bleach on Colored Clothes

Bleach is never meant to be used on colored clothes. You only need to add it to white clothes to make them appear more white and clean. A drop of bleach mistakenly falling on your colored clothes can fade away the color from that particular place.

There are only certain bleaches that you can use on colored clothes. Besides that, be careful to keep all the colored clothes far away while bleaching the white garments.

In Conclusion

Powder detergent is easy to use and is a cheaper option compared to other types of detergent. However, it can cause a massive disaster if not used carefully. It needs to be stored in an airtight container since the cardboard packaging is unreliable and gets damaged quickly. Also, it should be stored in a high place to prevent the children from reaching detergent.

This article contains a lot of insight related to powder detergent. All the essential precautions and tips are mentioned. From measuring the detergent to sorting the clothes and keeping the proper water temperature, you will not have a question after reading it.

If you are still confused, please write your queries in the comments below. I will be more than happy to reach out to you.

Vanessa Clean

I used to be a maid, now a full-time mom. I have A LOT of experience with cleaning and detergents. Just trying to help those searching for real-life tips.

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